To recognize one of Chattanooga’s first African American police officers, City Council last Tuesday approved the commemorative renaming of Greenwood Road to Eddings Street as Lee “Sonny” Mosley Road.
District 9 City Councilwoman Demetrus Coonrod said the street renaming is an important reminder of the contributions that Black Americans have made to Chattanooga and the nation as a whole, and a tribute to a man who dedicated his life to serving his community and to making Chattanooga a better place for everyone.
“We’re honoring a great man of God– Lee ‘Sonny’ Mosley,” she said. “Greenwood Road to Eddings will be commemorated in his name. We all miss Mr. Mosley in District 9, and the entire Hamilton County.”
Councilwoman Coonrod read a proclamation highlighting the late Mr. Mosley’s 28 years as a police officer, during which he distinguished himself with his unwavering commitment to community service and public safety.
She also presented family members Karitsa Jones, Yolanda Wynn and Cory Mosley with the Lee “Sonny” Mosley, Jr. commemorative street name sign (Resolution 31557) which will be placed in the community soon.
Mr. Mosley’s family members expressed their gratitude for the honor and said that it was a fitting tribute to their loved one.