Recent Mass Trauma Events Lead to Critical Need for Blood


CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (March, 8 2022) – Several recent mass trauma events in the Blood Assurance service area have exhausted the organization’s blood supply.  

As of Tuesday morning, Blood Assurance had less than a one-day supply of type O-positive and B-negative blood and about a day’s supply of type O-negative, A-positive and A-negative blood. In order to adequately provide for area hospitals, Blood Assurance needs a five-day supply on the shelf at all times. 

“The inventory is critically low,” according to Christopher Swafford, Blood Assurance’s chief operating officer. “We also fear that with spring break approaching, the numbers are going to dwindle even further. We need about 400 donations per day to adequately supply our local hospitals. The time to donate and be someone’s hero is right now.”

As an incentive, Blood Assurance is giving away free St. Patrick’s Day-themed t-shirts to all individuals who donate through March 17. Additionally, all donors will be entered into a drawing to win a $500 Mastercard gift card. Moreover, double red cell and platelet donors will receive a $20 virtual Amazon gift card after their donation through March 12.

To find the nearest blood drive or donation facility, and to schedule an appointment, donors can visit Donors may also call 800-962-0628 or text BAGIVE to 999777

To be eligible to donate blood, you must be at least 17 years old (16 years old with parental consent), weigh 110 pounds or more and be in good health. Donors are asked to drink plenty of fluids — avoiding caffeine — and eat a meal that is rich in iron prior to donating.