(Submitted Article) -The South Central Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., held its 76th Provincial Council in Chattanooga on March 24-26, 2022. The Affair was presided over by its Provincial Polemarch, Leonard E. Clemons, of Knoxville. The Province consists of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Northern Mississippi. The Local Chapter, headed by Polemarch Brian Bush, served as host for the event. The occasion held sway at the Westin Hotel with more than 600 registered and over 500 Kappas along with their wives, the Silhouettes, in attendance.
The Provincial Council is a yearly summit held by all 12 Provinces within the International organization of Kappa Alpha Psi. While here in Chattanooga, there were 79 newly initiated brothers on Thursday, March 24.
A Public Meeting was held at the hotel on Friday, March 25th. All members of the “Divine Nine” were recognized with a tribute by their hymn. The highlight of the Public Meeting was the awards ceremony. Reginald F. Smith, Executive Director of the Bethlehem Center, received the “Making a Difference Award” for his dedication to the youth of Chattanooga. La Frederick Thrilkill, Principal of Booker T. Washington Alternative Learning Center, received the Public Interest Service Award, for his many years promoting the many unknown aspects of Chattanooga’s Black History. And, Ezra Harris, received the Lifetime Achievement Award for over 30 years of unheralded service to his community, church, and the citizens of Chattanooga.
Christopher Stokley of UTC, received the Greek Life Service Award; and, Willie F. Brooks Jr. of Memphis received the Louis N. Willis, Merit of Achievement Award. These are two of the Provinces top awards.
On Saturday the 26th after all the various business meetings, there was a closed Black Tie Banquet. The Rev. Baron Ammons served as Master of Ceremonies. The keynote speaker was Timothy Woods, Western Province Polemarch, of Phoenix Arizona. The banquet was attended by over 350 brothers.
After the banquet a dance was held in the ballroom. It was open to the public. Additionally, each night the Kappa House located on M. L. King Boulevard hosted brothers with live entertainment.

(Editor’s Note: This submitted article was inadvertently missed for earlier publication. The Chattanooga News Chronicle apologizes for this oversight.)