Chattanooga City Councilman Isiah Hester presents proclamation honoring John R. Taylor Sr. 

John R. Taylor, Sr. receives proclamation from Councilman Isiah Hester – (contributed photo)

At last Tuesday’s (March 7) meeting of the Chattanooga City Council, District 5 Councilman Isiah Hester presented a proclamation to John R. Taylor Sr. He cited Mr. Taylor’s many years of meritorious service as a community leader, business entrepreneur and former councilperson.

“For some men are born to change the course of history,” Councilman Hester said. “These men of indomitable fortitude and unparalleled tenacity, they have all the ingredients of heroes. Such a man today is John R. Taylor–a husband, businessman, father, and my mentor and spiritual leader.”

Mr. Taylor accepted the proclamation with words of thanks and encouragement for the City Council members. 

“I just want to say thank you so very much for this recognition,” he said. “I understand what you’re going through, and the great service that you are rendering to our city. And I want to just encourage you to continue to do what you’re doing, working together in order to make our great city even greater. And I want to say to Isiah, thank you so very much for even considering me for this service and this award.”

Mr. Taylor ended the acceptance with one of his favorite mottos: “Working together works.” 

Mr. Taylor’s proclamation reads:

“WHEREAS, John R. Taylor, Sr. is a native of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and a graduate of the Brainerd High School class of 1980. Mr. Taylor holds a bachelor’s degree from Southwestern Christian College and a degree in mortuary science from John A Gupton College.

WHEREAS, in 1997, John first entered local politics as the City Council District representative, making history as the first District 7 councilperson to be elected to two consecutive terms since the origination of the City Council.

WHEREAS, while serving as District 7 representative, John addressed resident needs with physical and management improvements, community services, and social services being a vital force behind the 2007 HOPE VI project, a series of government grants designed to reshape and revitalize neighborhoods. He was an Executive Team member for the Chattanooga African American Summit and founding member of the City of Chattanooga’s Office of Multicultural Affairs Board.

WHEREAS, through the years, he has held a multitude of titles including the President of Taylor Funeral Home of Chattanooga, Inc., Chairperson for the International Committee, President of Scales Funeral Home in Nashville, President of the East Tennessee Funeral Directors & Morticians Association and many more.

WHEREAS, for years, John served faithfully as the Avondale Church of Christ Education Director under the ministry of his father, Carl, Sr. Taylor, and is currently following the call as minister of the East Third Street Church of Christ. Now Therefore, I, Isiah Hester, Councilman of the Chattanooga City Council, do hereby honor and recognize, John R. Taylor, Sr. as a public servant in the highest sense for his lifetime commitment to the community.